The Project “Contemporary and Traditional Cultural Tourism Route” (CULHUSRBTOUR) under Interreg-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme between Hungary and Serbia, aims to develop a new tourist route and establish a new cross-border link. Cultural-tourist cross-border cooperation CULHUSRBTOUR was created as the cooperation between the EXIT Foundation, which thus continues the mission to expand the common community in the region, and the National Heritage Park in Ópusztaszer, Hungary. Partners have already organised four tourist events within the year and a half of the project, including music, visual arts, painting and photography, joint art meetings, workshops and study trips to both partner countries, primarily aimed at young people. The results of the cooperation include unique 3D tours of the Petrovaradin Fortress and the National Heritage Park in Ópusztaszer. Through them, historical stories and legends of both sites are portrayed in an interesting and interactive manner. A contribution to the CULHUSRBTOUR project to develop cross-border cooperation reflects in the document study on a new cultural-tourist route between Novi Sad and Ópusztaszer.
Interreg–IPA program prekogranične saradnje Mađarska-Srbija implementira se u okviru finansijskog perioda 2014-2020 Evropske unije, putem Instrumenta za pretpristupnupomoć (IPA). Po principu „zajedničkog sistema upravljanja“ zemalja učesnica – Mađarske i Srbije, program finansira i podržava projekte saradnje organizacija iz Programske oblasti – okruga Čongrad (Csongrád) i Bač-Kiškun (Bács-Kiskun) u Mađarskoj i okruga Zapadna Bačka, Severna Bačka, Južna Bačka, Severni Banat, Srednji Banat, Južni Banat i Srem u Srbiji. Program pomaže razvoj i stabilnost pograničnog regiona, unapređuje opšti kvalitet života u njemu, omogućava ekonomsku saradnju organizacija i ove dve zemlje, neguje zajednički identitet, kulturnoiistorijsko nasleđe pograničnog regiona i doprinosi njegovoj ekološkoj održivosti i sigurnosti.
More information: http://www.interreg-ipa-husrb.com/en/home/