The new global Conscious R:evolution platform, born by EXIT on its very birthday, presents a new discussion dubbed Processing Collective Trauma to Release Love, Presence and Freedom on Friday, August 14 at 16:30.
In a year in which the whole world is in a global crisis, health, economic, but above all ecological, it is necessary, among other things, to build awareness of what collective trauma is and how to deal with it. The topic of collective trauma encourages thinking how the experiences of our ancestors affect our lives and shape our reality today, but also how our current experience, including the pandemic we are witnessing, will leave a mark on future generations.
Panel participants are Dr. Beau Lotto – professor of neuroscience, author, and entrepreneur, a TED speaker with 9 million combined views, Henry Ammar – international life speaker and entrepreneur, Top 10 “Making It Happen with Henry Ammar” podcast host, Thomas Hübl – renowned teacher and international facilitator, the Academy of Inner Science founder.
The host of the talk is Nikola Jurišić, senior expert in culture at McKinsey, specializing in building values driven societies.
Panel Processing Collective Trauma to Release Love, Presence and Freedom is broadcast live on Friday, August 14 at 16:30h via EXIT Festival Facebook page.