We are inviting you to take part in the event at which a unique and only 3D virtual tour through Petrovaradin Fortress will be presented, guided by one of the Archiving sector members in “Državni pos’o”, historian by vocation, Mr. Nikola Škorić. The event will take place on Thursday, 13 February, 11:00 hours, at The Gallery of Matica Srpska.
The event will feature a study on the new cultural-tourist route between Novi Sad and the National Heritage Park in Ópusztaszer, Hungary, as well as the panel discussion on “Cultural-Historical Heritage, Creative Industries and New Technologies”, which will participate:
Siniša Jokić – Director of the Institute for protection of cultural monuments of the City of Novi Sad
Rade Milić – Archaeologist from the Centre for urban development
Nikola Škorić – Historian
Lea Kotlica – PR Manager – Street Musicians Festival (FUS)
Ivan Petrović – President of the BoD, EXIT Foundation
The presentation of the Petrovaradin Fortress in an innovative and attractive way, as well as the development of the tourism strategy and cross-border cooperation between Serbia and Hungary, are the results of the Project “Contemporary and Traditional Cultural-Tourist Route” (CULHUSRBTOUR), which is part of the Interreg – IPA Cross-border Cooperation Program Hungary-Serbia, launched in 2018.
Kindly confirm your participation by Wednesday, 12 February, 17:00 hours, to the email address: exitfoundation@exitfest.org
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The Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia is implemented within the 2014-2020 European Union financial framework, under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). On the basis of “shared managementsystem” of the participating countries – Hungary and Serbia, the Programme funds and supports co-operation projects of organizations located in the Programme-eligible area – Hungarian counties Csongrád and Bács-Kiskun, and Serbianterritories: West Bačka, North Bačka, South Bačka, North Banat, Central Banat, South Banat and Srem. The Programme helps the development of a stable and co-operating region and the overall quality of life in the borderregion. It enables economic collaboration of organizations from the two countries, nurtures the common identity, and cultural and historical heritage of the border region, and contributes to its environmental sustainability and safety.
For more information, please visit: www.interreg-ipa-husrb.com.