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EXIT Foundation announces a new phase of the Incredible Destinations Events project for 2025: We create new unforgettable experiences through music

On 21 September 2021, EXIT Foundation launched the Incredible Destinations Events project, aimed at promoting the cultural and touristic values ​​of Serbia and Hungary. The project included a special show “Peace in Bačka” (Mirna Bačka), and a successful cultural-tourist tour with the event SunSet Picnic in the Hungarian National Heritage Park in Ópusztaszer, and both activities were realised with the support of the Interreg-IPA cross-border cooperation programme Hungary-Serbia and the Ministry of Culture and information of the Republic of Serbia.

For the year 2025, EXIT Foundation, through the Incredible Destinations Events project, is planning new significant activities that will further contribute to the cooperation between Hungary and Serbia, with a special focus on Novi Sad, promising exciting new experiences and significant contributions to the cultural heritage.

EXIT Photo Team

On the International Day of Peace and the European  Cooperation Day, EXIT Foundation launched the Incredible Destinations Events project on 21 September 2021, the aim of which is to promote the beauty of tourist destinations and cultural heritages through the cooperation of the border region of Serbia and Hungary, with the support by INTERREG-IPA Hungary-Serbia cross-border cooperation programme.

The first of the successfully realized activities was the special show “Mirna Bačka”, filmed at the location of the Bačka fortress, a medieval fortification of extremely great cultural and historical importance. The promotion of cultural heritage was realized through the mutual cooperation of important creative industries, and the guests of the show were respected musicians from the region – Lajko Felix, Marko Louis, Mile Kekin and Rambo Amadeus, and the host of the special programme was Bojan Ivković.

Incredible Destinations Events Bač | Special show “Mirna Bačka”

The show „Mirna Bačka” was broadcast live through the official Facebook and YouTube channels of EXIT Foundation, EXIT Festival, as well as through numerous regional media partners and the web platform This show, which included authentic performances by musical stars and conversations with the host in one of the most valuable monuments of medieval architecture in Vojvodina, was an important part of the Incredible Destinations Events project. In addition to the Bačka Fortress, the show covered other landmarks of Bač and its surroundings, highlighting the importance of joint promotion of peace in the region, which EXIT Festival has been actively promoting for more than two decades.

EXIT Photo Team

As part of the project, from 13 to 19 June 2022, a cultural-tourist tour was organized, which included a tour of attractions on the journey from Novi Sad to one of the most beautiful natural heritage sites of the national memorial park Ópusztaszer, and the city of Szeged in Hungary. During those seven days, young people from Serbia and Hungary had the opportunity to visit the sights of Novi Sad, Sremski Karlovci, Petrovaradin, Bač, Sombor and Subotica. The tour included a ride on the Danube, a screening of a special show in Bač, and a visit to the “Zvonko Bogdan” winery. The most important event of this tour, the central musical event – SunSet Picnic – was held on 18 June. At this event, producers and hitmakers ATB and Topic, as the main stars, attracted more than 2,400 visitors. Recordings of their performances premiered on 12 August, on the occasion of International Youth Day, and are now available on IDE platform, as well as on YouTube channel and Facebook page of EXIT Foundation.

IDE_SunsetPicnic with ATB (FULL VIDEO)

3D tour of Petrovaradin Fortress was also created as part of the project, stemming as a result of the  “Contemporary and Traditional Cultural-Tourist Route” project (CULHUSRBTOUR), within the framework of the Interreg – IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Hungary – Serbia, launched in 2018 by the EXIT Foundation and the National Heritage Park in Postmaster.

EXIT Photo Team

During 2025, the project will expand with new and extremely significant initiatives that will further strengthen international cooperation between Hungary and Serbia. Novi Sad will be in the centre of attention, where something special is being prepared that will enrich the city’s cultural scene and provide a new dimension in connecting communities. The details will be revealed soon, but we can say with certainty that this project will leave a lasting mark and represent a true legacy of cultural and historical heritage. You can follow all activities of the Foundation on the official channels – Instagram, Linkedin and Facebook, and also via the organisation’s official website.